Getting YOU Started


The knowledge of structure, composition, color, value, medium, and subject matter make up the toolbox we use to create our compositions. These are the gateways to making an exciting visual experience.

Whether you’re painting abstract, representational, impressionistic, or personally expressive; discovery is the mode that takes the artist along a satisfying path towards creative growth. Working with the “real thing” is vital to our understanding of what we paint! I encourage you to spend time doing studies of your chosen subject whenever you can, whether it is inside or outside; a landscape, a figure, or a still-life, it doesn’t matter as long as you’re looking at the REAL thing.

My teaching objectives…..pencil drawing
  1. Where do you start?
    • What’s the most important thing to know? Surface vs. Structure
    • Master your design elements (compositional shapes)
    • Dominance & Harmony
    • Repetition is good
    • Value in reference to color
  2. When should you be loose or detailed?
  3. Creating a Mood (palette choices)
  4. Understanding Plein Air versus photography
  5. Working with your medium

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